World Organization and Energy Conservation

I just watched a great video by World.Org assisting a family to make their home more efficient by installing devices and lightbulbs, etc. that saved them $200 on their next electricity bill. If everyone got involved in making some minor changes in their home, we will not only save energy; but, we will save money! …


The New System is an educational service that provides general information for healthy living. The materials on our websites, including; but, not limited to:,, and,  and its products and services, are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either expressed or implied. AS AN EXPRESS CONDITION TO USING THIS WEBSITE, …

Things to think about…

Human life is fragile. Our planet is fragile. It is time to stand up, take charge, and clean up our act for future generations. What have you forgotten? Read about 12 ways humans have forgotton how to be human here: Credits: “The 12 Biggest Life Secrets Forgotten By Mankind,” from, by The Mind Unleashed …


This site is all Inclusive, meaning that anyone who wishes to work alongside me is welcome to. I will be working on this website part-time to share my vision of a better world, recognize people for their contributions in making the world a better place, and eventually provide assistance to others who want to make …